We’re-not-trying-to-burst-your-bubble-but-there-is-a-better-way-to-show-you GIVE-A-CARE

Four months post the launch of Rethink’s Give-A-Care collection and we have shipped packages to women with cancer all across the globe! The line has been a huge hit as a gift and has stimulated the conversation around the unique needs of young women impacted by breast cancer.

So how do we keep the dialogue going…?

We were thrilled when Nathalie Cusson agreed to produce a video for us to complement the line. Nathalie is a long time Rethink collaborator who designed our Talking to Kids about Cancer booklet as well as an early Rethink logo (once in the Rethink family, always in the Rethink family). The 60-second video explores some of the ways you can really show you #giveacare about someone with cancer illustrated in Nathalie’s imaginative style. Check it out, share it, and show you Give-A-Care.

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Patient Centricity at the Canadian Breast Cancer Symposium
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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