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Want to be a changemaker? Turn your passion into action and advocate with us.

Rethink is known for rethinking the status quo when it comes to breast cancer. We advocate for the most pressing needs identified by people in the breast cancer community. We work closely with people with breast cancer to ensure they are at the centre of making much-needed systems change.

Current Movements

Break Through the Bullsh*t

Help us #BreakThroughtheBS people with cancer have to deal with when it comes to drug access.

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Funding for cancer treatment shouldn’t depend on how old or young you are. For 10 years, Rethink has been advocating for equal access to take-home (oral) cancer drugs for those younger than 65 in Ontario.

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Be an MBC Ally

We believe the burden of advocating for change should not be carried by those living with MBC alone. They need you to help amplify their message. That’s why we created the MBC Ally pledge.

MBC Fund

An ongoing fund and targeted initiative to fund support and research related to metastatic breast cancer.

Ongoing Drug Access Advocacy

We work with other patient groups, coalitions and cancer organizations to call for system change and more efficiencies throughout the entire process of Canadian drug approval and reimbursement process.

Advocacy Wins

MBC in the Dark

June 2018 | 10,000 allies raised their voices, leading to a change in Canada’s drug approval process around negotiation benchmarks on new breast cancer drugs.

Oncotype DX Test Funding

April 2016 | In Alberta, British Columbia and Nova Scotia, we called (and succeeded!) for greater access to tumour profiling tests, which provide valuable information oncologists and patients can use to personalize a treatment plan and make decisions around treatment options.

Deconstructing Breast Reconstruction

December 2013 | Rethink met with the Minister of Health in Ontario to address the lengthy wait-times for women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer and choose prophylactic mastectomies and we succeeded in having this addressed.

Want to advocate?

Sign up for our emails and stay connected on social media to stay in the loop on our ongoing campaigns, advocacy events and volunteer opportunities. Whether from at home or in person, your voice and advocacy matters!