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You deserve to be counted.

Did you know current cancer data in Canada is incomplete and fragmented, specifically around rates of recurrence of metastatic breast cancer, race, and social determinants of health?



Hi, I’m Nicole Stat

At Rethink, we always say that we advocate for the right treatment for the right person at the right time. But if we don’t know who is actually affected by cancer, how do we know how to best treat them?

Complete and harmonized data is foundational to improving health equity and outcomes for all people diagnosed with cancer. Having a more detailed understanding of who is included in broad cancer statistics will help identify high risk populations, gaps in care and opportunities to improve outcomes. It is impossible to truly understand the impact of cancer on different populations without robust and complete data that is harmonized and can be shared among provinces and regions across Canada.  

The pan-Canadian Cancer Data Strategy was released in 2023 by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Canadian Cancer Society. The sooner this strategy can be implemented, the more quickly we can start to move towards having complete, harmonized, cancer data that can then inform how to improve outcomes for all people in Canada diagnosed with cancer.  

By signing the #MakeMeCount petition, you are letting decision makers know that this is an important issue to the cancer community and for all Canadians. We need more complete cancer data so we can:

  • Identify the gaps
  • Target outcomes
  • Improve care

Rethink will meet with Federal and Provincial decision makers to raise awareness about the importance of this issue, and to amplify the voice of the cancer community to ensure that this is a priority at all levels of government.  

You count when you are counted. Please sign the #MakeMeCount petition below.




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Sign the petition *

By signing this petition, you consent to be added to Rethink Breast Cancer's email network where you will receive periodic, intentional updates about Make Me Count and other work by Rethink.

Does this campaign resonate with you? We'd love to hear why.

Meet the other Stats

Hear why Vesna, Ashley, Spencer and Clare want to be counted below.

Hi, I’m Vesna Stat

Hi, I’m Ashley Stat

Hi, I’m Spencer Stat

Hi, I’m Clare Stat

Want to learn more about #MakeMeCount?

Read from MJ DeCoteau, Rethink’s Founder + Executive Director, on why this campaign matters, our history of working on these issues and what actions we’re taking.

Special thank you to the team who made the videos for our campaign possible:

Nicole, Vesna, Ashley, Spencer and Clare, our lovely “stat stars”
Nathalie Cusson (Scooter Design Inc.), Director/Producer/Creative Director
Sarah Musgrave, Script Editor/Associate Creative Director
George Allister (The Video Company), Director of Photography
Patrick Boivin (The Video Company), Director of Photography
Juan Fernandez (The Video Company), Audio Recordist
Quincy Williams (The Video Company), Assistant/Gaffer
Evan Rappaport (Judy Inc.), Set Builder
Melanie Brideau (Judy Inc.), Hair and Makeup Artist
Natalie Trivino, Editor, Motion Designer, Colorist
Matthieu Nantel, Original music score and audio mix