#YWBC: Rose

Name: Rose Anne Crisostomo

Age: 39

Occupation: Human Resources Manager

Age when diagnosed with breast cancer: 36

Breast cancer type: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Breast cancer stage: Stage 2 (estrogen and progesterone positive), BRCA 2 POSITIVE.

Treatment: Six rounds of Chemo, 25 rounds of Radiation, Surgery ( which included a double mastectomy, fat grafting, expanders, and nipple tattoo)

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that has nothing to do with cancer

When I was little most girls played teacher, I played lawyer. I asked my mom to buy me files, paper and pens and I would draft up divorce papers.

What’s your go-to pick-me-up song?

Happy by Pharrell Williams

How did you discover your breast cancer?

I was 24 weeks pregnant at the time, and noticed a big hard lump on my right breast, as it was my first pregnancy I thought it was a clogged milk duct.

What went through your head when you received your diagnosis?

I went numb. I did not cry until later that day, but I started to think, what’s going to happen to me?, what’s going to happen to my unborn child?, what about my family and friends?

What’s the craziest thing someone said to you after being diagnosed with breast cancer?

If it was going to happen to anyone it would be you, your mentally stronger than I am. (my thoughts were….did she just really say that to me?????) Ignorance is bliss I guess.

Who or what is/was your biggest source of support throughout your experience with cancer?

I would not have made it without the help of my mom, who moved in with us for seven months (just after I was diagnosed with cancer) and took care of me, my husband and ultimately little Benjamin. At 72 years young, she stepped up to the plate and looked after us all. Through emotions, exhaustion, and never ending work of looking after a newborn, she was my rock, and my very best friend. Of course my husband as well, he was there for me at my lowest points, your know your marriage is strong when he has the strength to shave his wife’s head.

What is/was the most difficult part of being a young woman with breast cancer?

I think the unknown. You live your life day by day, but you really don’t know what the future has in store for you. You will always be nervous when you have to do routine blood work, and annual check ups. Neither my fight nor my journey is over, but I’m hopefully the worst is behind me.

What’s something unexpected you learned about yourself as a result of having breast cancer?

I am stronger than I was before, and even though I’m not always confident, I know I am a fighter. I’m happy, and blessed to be alive.

In one sentence, what words of wisdom would you pass on to another young woman who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer?

Fight like crazy to get your life back because after all that’s what you’re fighting for: your life.


For more #YWBC profiles click here or to be featured contact Shawna@Rethinkbreastcancer.com

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MISSION: Recovery – H.E.L.P. Squad
I Found Out About My Pregnancy and Breast Cancer On The Same Day
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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