Rethinker Profile: Evelyn Chick

Name: Evelyn Chick
Age: 29
City: Toronto

What do you do when you are not changing the world with philanthropic gestures?

I create – designing cocktail menus, managing personalities and curating guest experiences. And I travel, when I can, to draw inspiration and experience from different cultures.

What is one thing you have re-thought in your life?  How did you approach it?

I have rethought how I can give back to my community. I grew up very fortunate, and took that for granted for a number of years. When I traveled at the age of 18 I quickly realized that there is much more happening in the world outside of caring for my own self. I started looking at opportunities to contribute to my field, especially through education, and using the food and beverage industry to organize events like Speed Rack.

What is the most important thing to know when it comes to donating to a cause?

Doing it for the right reasons, and ensuring that funds are going to the right places. Learn about the cause and the organization.

A person who gives back that you aspire to:

Michelle Obama

How do you find a cause you are passionate about?

Mostly comes from my familiarity of the cause, and my capability to contribute.

What is innovative about the Rethink approach?

Rethink introduces new, light-hearted ways to discuss topics that are quite heavy and often less discussed among younger women.

What inspires you daily?

My peers. Everyday I work with inspiring men and women who put in the work to not only better themselves, but society as a whole.

When I give back I feel

…fulfilled. And blessed to have the opportunity to do so.  

The SpeedRack Finals are coming up!

May 27th, 2018 3-7pm Love Child Social House 69 in Toronto. Get your tickets: Eventbrite Learn more about the event: Facebook

More from our amazing Rethinkers HERE.

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50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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