Myth: Tanning ups your breast cancer risk.

No. There is no evidence that tanning causes breast cancer, although there is plenty stating that it causes skin cancer.

It’s important that we are protecting our skin from harmful UV rays, but it’s also important that we keep information about certain kinds of cancers from being associated with all cancers and spread as frightening rumours. There is no evidence that tanning causes breast cancer, although there is plenty stating that it causes skin cancer.

According to the Canadian and American Cancer Societies, tanning is not safe for your skin – indoors or outdoors because of exposure to harmful UV rays. It is recommended that you always use sunscreen (SPF 30+) when you will be outside for a longer period of time. As well, the Canadian Cancer Society encourages people to stay away from indoor tanning beds – which can expose you to radiation five times more than the sun.

While you can rest assured that tanning will not affect your breasts, you should try to avoid it for many other reasons. If that summer glow is an absolute must-have the Canadian Cancer Society recommends using sunless tanning creams or other methods of “fake tanning.”


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Phone: 416 220 0700
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