How You Can Support the Breast Cancer Cause Beyond October

As amazing as breast cancer awareness month is for generating support for the cause during October, the reality is that breast cancer is a 365 day concern. At Rethink, we are always thinking of new ways to empower young people worldwide to learn about breast health and breast awareness throughout the entire year, advocate to make much needed change and support those going through it. We hope YOU will join us and support the breast cancer movement beyond October! 

Take Action.

Women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) have unique concerns and needs that don’t stop at the end of the month. For this reason, Rethink will be advocating for these women year-round, specifically for better access to treatment (right now there is no cure for MBC). It’s time to change how MBC drugs are approved and listed to be more transparent and without delay. If this is something you’d like to be part of, find out more and sign our petition HERE.   


Rethink is constantly looking for volunteers from a variety of backgrounds who are passionate about helping young women with breast cancer. Our amazing volunteers help us in the office, at events, with fundraising, and through advocacy and outreach. To support Rethink’s role in the breast cancer movement in a more hands-on way, register here and stay up-to-date on the latest volunteer opportunities.  

Raise Funds.

There are many different ways to raise money for the breast cancer advocacy and programs. Consider turning an event or party into a fundraiser for Rethink, or make a one-time or monthly donation to the cause. Whatever you choose, you’ll be helping to build a community and empower young women dealing with breast cancer across Canada and the rest of the world… and that’s a cause worthy of supporting year-round!  

Attend an Event.

At Rethink, we are always looking for new ways to engage with the communities around us. This means hosting events and partnering with other organizations and brands that want to support young women with breast cancer directly or bring awareness to their unique needs. Don’t miss our flagship event, Boobyball, or stay in the know about what’s happening all year at Rethink by checking our event calendar regularly!  

Become a Sponsor.

Are you looking to marry your brand with a savvy breast cancer charity supporting young women? Rethink partners with numerous companies for savvy campaigns and events throughout the year. These partnerships are crucial in helping us fulfill our mission and expand our reach.

To find out more about partnering with Rethink, visit the sponsorship section on our website.

Spread the Word.

Let’s get social! One of the best ways to stay up-to-date on what’s happening at Rethink is to engage with us on one of our many social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube)! At Rethink, we believe one of the most empowering tools for one’s breast health is AWARENESS. We are constantly talking about what’s latest in the breast cancer and breast health space. So, stay informed and spread the word! If social media is not your forte, consider joining our email list to stay in the loop on everything new and exciting happening at Rethink and – more importantly – how you can get involved!

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#YWBC Profile: Miranda
It’s a Wonderful Life
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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You can make a positive impact in the lives of people impacted by breast cancer