How To Help Your Newly Diagnosed Friend

Let’s be real, most cancer diagnoses come as a shock and can take their toll on friendships. But what if we told you that helping a newly diagnosed friend doesn’t have to be hard or awkward? Inspired by the little things, here are six simple acts of kindness you can take today.

Make an inspiring playlist for them

It can be a compilation of some of their go-to songs or some uplifting podcasts you found. Either way, this kind of help is quick, easy, and shows them that you’re thinking of them.

For some inspo, check out some of our favourite podcasts. 

Craft with them

It doesn’t necessarily have to be crafting, but what are some of the things your friend loves to do in the self-care sphere? And if you don’t know, why not start a self-care routine together? It might seem silly at first, but these kinds of activities can help promote mindfulness during this hectic time in their lives. It also gives you both a window where you don’t have to focus on cancer, worries, decisions, or anything else but what you’re doing in that moment.

What does self-care look like for people with breast cancer? Check out this beautiful first-hand account.

Give them a cheeky care package

If you’re not the crafty type or you’re just looking for a product that can say the things you can’t, then Give-A-Care can help. Give-A-Care is product line for young women with breast cancer, that actually understands and acknowledges what they’re going through.

Visit the Give-A-Care website to start building your care package today.

Shower them with heartfelt encouragement

This can be a tricky one because it’s really easy to not know what to say. But most likely, your diagnosed friend isn’t looking for a bunch of to-do’s or wise advice that makes them feel like they’re responsible for their diagnosis. The best kind of emotional support focuses on who they are, what they mean to you, and how you’re there for them. You can make this a regular thing too, like a small note of encouragement each day or each week!

If you’re concerned about putting your foot in your mouth, check out this post and this video on what not to say.

Help them with scheduling

Help them create a weekly or monthly schedule and be their accountability buddy when it comes to reminding them of upcoming appointments or commitments. It might sound overbearing at first, but your friend is about to enter a whirlwind of doctors appointments, treatments, and maybe even brain fog. They’ll need the support and knowing that you’ve got their back will make the transition a lot more bearable.

Be you

It might sound a little weird at first, but one of the best ways to help a friend who’s just been diagnosed with cancer is to be yourself. The last thing they need is for you to treat them differently or to fall off the map because you’re too afraid of potential awkwardness. While your friend is going through a health crisis, they’re still the person you love and more than anything, they’ll need your friendship in the journey ahead.

Don’t believe us? Check out some bestie love stories that the women in our network shared.

It’s important that people diagnosed with cancer have the help and support they need, but it’s also important that you the caregiver also feel supported. To find out more about the resources available to you, click here or email

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