Cancer Fabulous Diaries: The Call

the call

Date: March 26

I’m Feeling: Winded

Doctor: “Hello, is this Sylvia Soo?”
Me: “Yes it is.”
Doctor: “I have the results from the biopsy. Are you driving?” (I’m in the car with my dad.)
Me: “Um…no, I’m not. Is it bad news?”
Doctor: “We found something.”

I feel like I’ve just been slammed into a brick wall. I can’t talk to the doctor. I ask her to call me back. My heart beats faster but I appear to be calm. I say nothing to my dad and we continue the drive to my brother’s house. A thousand thoughts race through my mind.

When the doctor calls me back a couple hours later, her words whiz past me. I feel like this isn’t happening to me. Finally, I break when the doctor mentions chemo. The tears flow down my face and all I want is a hug.– Sylvia Soo

To read more from the Cancer Fabulous Diaries, click here.

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#YWBC Profile: Sylvia Soo
Cancer is Crap: 23% Stat Clarified!
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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