Moving Forward

Cancer support event for young adults

September can be a time to reset. Start fresh. Make changes.

But this year feels different. There is a lot of unknown and what is known still might look different for you as someone who has a cancer diagnosis.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with AYA organizations Pink Pearl, Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) and Gilda’s Club to host an event to address these new concerns and to give you some information to help you to cope as best you can.

Moving forward after or with cancer can be a daunting thought that brings fear, uncertainty, grief and frustrations. With COVID in the picture and some aspects of our lives starting up again with the new season, we know that moving forward, for our community members, looks a little different for you and comes with different concerns.


Thursday September 17th
7pm EST


Zoom (Link will be sent post registration)

Interested in listening in and connecting with other young adults with cancer?

Meet the Panelists

Meet the Expert

Shawna Rich is a registered social worker and psychotherapist with 20 years of experience providing psychosocial support, education and advocacy to those with complex health needs. Over the past decade she worked with young cancer patients and their families. Her expertise include acute and chronic health conditions, oncology, death and dying, grief, trauma, postpartum mental health, stress, depression, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, life transitions, sexuality and sexual identity. She works with both individuals and couples in her private practice. To learn more about Shawna or to work with her check out or contact her at

Meet the Patients

Charlene Charles, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, knows what it’s like to cope with delays in tests and results over the last few months. 

Paul Silvestri, testicular cancer, is navigating a return to a public workplace. 

Aimee Taylor, Stage 4 colon cancer, is learning what it means to manage family life post-COVID-19 as someone with a compromised immune system. 

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Advocating on World Cancer Day 2024
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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