The Long-Term Side Effects of Breast Cancer and Its Treatment

June 13, 2022

Oh, the many long-term side effects that can arise with breast cancer and treatment! These really aren’t talked about enough. And talking about them is what can help us understand how common these things really are, and that we’re not alone as we experience them.

Plus, by knowing what to watch out for, we can learn the best way to manage or treat them.

So, let’s talk about them, shall we?

Take a read through the resource below, outlining some of these common side effects and what you can do about them. And head over to our Instagram for more afterwards. We got the community involved by asking about peoples’ experiences with these side effects, and created some informative reels that showcase the impact these side effects have on peoples lives.

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Your Life Can Be Beautiful After Breast Cancer
50 Carroll Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3G3
Phone: 416 220 0700
Registered Charity #: 892176116RR0001

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