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Begin Exploring Fertility Options, Risks & Expectations (BEFORE) Decision Aid

2 MINS to read

When you are hit with a life-changing diagnosis in what should be the prime of your life, your best-laid plans get put on the back burner. Suddenly, on top of cancer, you are also scrambling to make life-defining decisions about family planning and fertility in a matter of weeks, whether or not it’s top of mind.

Sounds like you need all the help you can get.

Meet the Begin Exploring Fertility Options, Risks & Expectations (BEFORE) Decision Aid (DA). Created in partnership with Dr. Nancy Baxter, this is the first Canadian oncofertility decision aid with the goal of providing information to young breast cancer patients on the available fertility options prior to treatment and to assist them in making fertility-related decisions that align with their values.

What does the decision aid include?

  • information about breast cancer treatments that can affect your fertility
  • fertility options available before and after your cancer treatment
  • an exercise to help you think about the fertility options that may be best for you
  • sample questions to ask your healthcare team
  • resources for more information and support

How do I use it?

Read each section of this decision aid. Complete the customized fertility options exercise. Also, we suggest that you:

  • share this decision aid with your partner or support persons
  • talk with your healthcare team for specific information on your fertility options

Who is this for?

Young people with breast cancer who are interested in learning more about the fertility options in Canada. Although portions of the aid will be relevant no matter where you’re located, the information presented may not apply to people outside of Canada.

Please note: this decision aid is for anyone born with ovaries, regardless of gender identity. If you are gender non-conforming, talk to members of your healthcare team for more personalized advice on fertility.

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