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People With MBC Need Allies Like You And Me

2 MINS to read

A cancer diagnosis is life-altering. Surgeries, chemo, radiation, appointments and all the in-between.

Those of us who are caregivers get front row seats to everything our loved ones go through. For me, it was the initial feeling of powerlessness to change the early breast cancer diagnosis that my sister received just over 2 years ago. Our lives changed. It has been a long journey since then and thankfully my sister is doing well and thriving. Over the last two years though, I have become increasingly aware of the fact that regardless of the stage, we need to support and amplify the voices of those who are fighting cancer.

The challenges for MBC community are unique and being an ally is as important as ever. We are being called to action. To me, being an ally means listening more keenly, using my voice and platform to raise awareness, and extending my arms to those in the MBC community. But even more important, is engaging with and activating those outside the MBC community.

That’s where you come in. This is personal, and this is important. We all have a part to play in bringing about change and improving outcomes for women with MBC. We need to make MBC count and we cannot leave the work to the women living with MBC alone.

Wondering of ways you can become an ally; support MBC campaigns, sign petitions, volunteer at an organization, support fundraising efforts, hold our elected officials, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers accountable.

Women with MBC need our support. They need us to stand along side them so I am asking for your help. Let’s show up for them because it could be you, your mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, wife, or friend. Change starts with us. Become an MBC ally!

Keturah Layne currently lives in Toronto, Ontario and works full time as a Manager, Client Services and Project Management. She is also a member of Rethink’s Metastatic Breast Cancer Advisory Board. Cancer has affected several close family members, most recently, her younger sister who was diagnosed with breast cancer

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