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Rethinker Profile: Amanda Alvaro

3 MINS to read

What do you do when you’re not changing the world with philanthropic gestures? I run a Toronto-based PR agency, Pomp & Circumstance, that I started with my partner Lindsay Mattick and a crew of supremely talented people. When I’m not at the agency, I’m either knee-deep in a political debate on CBC TV, chasing after one of my three beautiful babes or on a plane to the next adventure.
What makes you passionate about the breast cancer cause?

This week marks the 10-year anniversary of my Mom’s passing. Watching her navigate the breast cancer journey was the most complicated and heartbreaking experience of my life. So, I’m passionate because there’s legacy in doing this on her behalf and because I hope that in my lifetime all of the collective hard work will have paid off and we’ll come to a day when we no longer require an organization like Rethink.

What is one thing you have re-thought in your life?  How did you approach it?

I re-thought ‘work’ in a big way. I traded in the 9-to-5, for the freedom that entrepreneurship affords. It was a big leap of faith and the best personal and professional decision I ever made. It means I have more time for the stuff that truly matters, with the people that truly matter.

What is the most important thing to know when it comes to donating to a cause?

Where the money is going, what level of engagement the organization offers and how you can see your dollars in action.

Who is a person that gives back that you aspire to?

That’s easy; our fearless leader, MJ DeCoteau. I’m convinced that there isn’t a more powerful advocate for the cause than MJ. She’s a creative force, a trailblazer and an all-around good human. Tough to find that combo but she embodies it.

What is innovative about the Rethink approach?

Everything. Rethink leads on every level, from captivating social marketing campaigns to fearless advocacy to novel fundraising. Rethink challenges other organizations to take bigger risks and as a result, makes a huge impact daily.

What inspires you daily?

The women in my life. I don’t collect things but I’m a proud collector of extraordinary moments shared with some truly extraordinary women. My biggest belly laughs, craziest dreams and salve for the tough curveballs is found among them.

Why should people support a cause they are passionate about?

We’re all sharing a slice of the planet for a time. I feel like we have a responsibility to do some good stuff while we’re here. Supporting a cause you care about is one way to do that.

When I give back I feel…

motivated to do more!

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