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Stories and Articles

From community stories to articles from trusted experts to supportive resources, we’ve got you covered.

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On Breast Screening (2024)
The updated draft recommendations are out and Rethink is reflecting on them. Rethink has always had a quite nuanced message about breast screening, and championed risk stratification and amplified health equity considerations as the opportunity to improve positive outcomes from screening programs.
London, Loss, Milestones, Mothering and Why?
The Baby Formula Grant
This grant is designed to support the feeding experience of those who are unable to breastfeed due to breast cancer or risk of breast cancer in Canada.
Learning to Love “One-and-Done”
Rethink on Breast Cancer Screening (2021)
5 Things You Need To Know: Previvor Edition
Updated Screening Guidelines: Incorporating Women’s Values is a Good Thing
High Risk? Know Your Screening Options
Breast Cancer Statistics in Canada
Each year, the Canadian Cancer Society releases predictive cancer statistics. This 2019 report highlights most cancers in Canada, including updated estimates of incidence, survival, and mortality.
What You Need To Know About Breast Density + Cancer
5 Things You Need To Know About Mammograms